Pattering a gun is super-important and something everyone should do before taking to the swamp this coming season. Nothing is worse than missing birds and then deciding to pattern the
Long-Range Shooting Tip – Doping the Wind
When it comes to long-range shooting one of the most difficult factors to contend with is by far, shooting in the wind. Shooters can typically deal with parallax with a
How to Take and Make Odd Shooting Angle Shots
If you’re angling for the solution to that perennial uphill/downhill shooting dilemma, keep reading. We have a simple solution. Most hunters understand that steep shooting angles alter where bullets strike.
Defensive Shooting Target Distance
Training at realistic defensive shooting distances is vital if you want to develop applicable shooting skills and truly understand your own abilities. In the moment of a defensive gun use,
Assessing Your Environment
Even the lowest level defensive firearms courses include advice or reminders to “Scan” or “Assess” your environment after you have stopped a threat. Very few courses, even at the highest